2. Errors (Bug's)/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 (Part 3)


Errors (Bug's)/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 (Part 1)
Errors (Bug's)/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 (Part 2)

2.25. The "File not found"-Error after using NAME

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

There is a very strange Error in the internal PowerBASIC filehandle management after using the command "NAME".
           OPEN "B",1,"DATEI1.TMP"       ' Open first file
           OPEN "B",2,"DATEI2.$$$"       ' Open
           CLOSE 2                       ' ... and close immediately
           OPEN "B",3,"DATEI3.TMP"       ' Open
           CLOSE 3                       ' ... and close immediately
           KILL "DATEI2.$$$"             ' Delete second file
           NAME "DATEI3.TMP" AS "DATEI2.$$$"
                                         ' Rename third file to second file
           CLOSE 1                       ' ... Close first file

2.26. Calculationerror when using Constants

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

Sometimes PowerBASIC does not calculate correctly when using constants. Of course there is the question why you don't insert the answer right away, because it is just a matter of form.
           i% = -20-4   : %k= -20-4
           PRINT i%     , %k

2.27. Wrong "Bit movement" with ROTATE

Versions: 3.0/3.1
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.20

The ROTATE-Command in PowerBASIC 3.0/3.1 has a Bug when using QUAD- Type Varibles.
           i&& = 1
           ROTATE RIGHT i&&, 1
           ROTATE LEFT i&&, 1
           PRINT i&&

2.28. Overflow when using FOR/NEXT-Schleifen

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

PowerBASIC does not allow you to use the maximum value of a variable in a FOR/NEXT-Loop. The maximum value is used internally by PowerBASIC, because (AFAIK) first increases the variable and then checks it. As you can see it then comes a an overflow, if the maximum value had already been reached.
This bug occurs as far as I know on all variables.
           FOR Demo? = 1 TO 255
               PRINT Demo?
           NEXT Demo?
Should you NOT use "$ERROR NUMERIC", this Loop will turn into an endless loop.

This effect is caused by downward compatability to other BASIC Compilers and the internal works of the Intel CPU.

2.29. Overflow when using STEP -1 in FOR/NEXT-Loops

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : Yes

In PowerBASIC all variable must be of the same type (signed/unsigned), if they are used in a FOR/NEXT- Loop. For example, the following is not valid:
           FOR Demo?? = 10 TO 2 STEP -1
           NEXT Demo??

           FOR Demo??? = 10 TO 2 STEP -1
               PRINT Demo???
           NEXT Demo???
Should you NOT use "$ERROR NUMERIC", this Loop will turn into an endless loop.

2.30. The Bug in the VARPTR32-Command

Versions: from 3.2 on
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.5

Against the correct implementation of STRPTR32 and CODEPTR32 there is a Bug in the VARPTR32-Command. It is not possible to do a mathematical operation at the same time.
           DIM Demo AS STRING * 10
           Wert1??? = VARPTR32(Demo) + 1
           Wert2??? = VARPTR32(Demo)
           Wert2??? = Wert2??? + 1
           PRINT  Wert1???, Wert2???

2.31. The 'KEY ON' Bug

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

Listening to the PowerBASIC manual and the BASIC specifications of the KEY- Command the 'KEY ON'- Command is supposed to show the current KEY- Setup in line 25 similar to 'Norton Commander'. If this is the case PowerBASIC is supposed to put out an 'Error 5: Illegal Function' if the programmer wants to acces line 25 using LOCATE. Line 25 is also supposed to be protected from scrolling.
This is not the case anymore since PowerBASIC V3.x (unlike PowerBASIC V2.10)!
            KEY OFF
            FOR i% = 1 TO 10
                READ A$
                KEY i%, A$ + CHR$(13)
            NEXT i%
            KEY LIST
            COLOR 3, 0
            KEY ON
            COLOR 7, 0
            LOCATE 25, 1: PRINT " This text should be captured!! ";
            WHILE NOT INSTAT
            KEY OFF
            DATA "Help", "Return"', "Edit", "Change", "Report"
            DATA "PRINT", "Setup", "DOS", "Copy", "Quit"
The question here is wether this is a bug in the PowerBASIC manual or in the Compiler. In any case you can fix this using:
            VIEW TEXT (1,1)-(80,24)

2.32. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE in the Pick- Menu

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : No

The PowerBASIC IDE crashes when you press DEL instead of RETURN the first time you chose the menu "File\Pick". If you have opened "Pick" before with the RETURN- Key in the same session, this error will not occur. Personally I think this is a very serious error, because both keys are very close on the keyboard.

2.33. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE with faulty Syntax

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

The PowerBASIC IDE crashes if you try to compile the following line:
            PRINT Test1$ XOR Test2$ XOR Test3$
I'd rather not discuss the function of this line. {g}

2.34. Error when swapping variables using SWAP

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

When using the SWAP-Command in connection with TYPE-Structures and indexing a fiels using a variable ("a(c%).x" for example) the fields will not be swapped correctly. If the field is accessed with a constant ("a(1).x" for example) this does not occur.
            TYPE SwapTest                 ' Userdefined Datatype
                x AS INTEGER
                y AS INTEGER
            END TYPE

            DIM a(1 TO 2) AS SwapTest     ' Create Array

            c%     = 1
            d%     = 2
            a(1).x = 1                    ' Init Fields
            a(1).y = 2
            a(2).x = 3
            a(2).y = 4
            PRINT "before SWAP: "; a(c%).y, a(d%).y
            SWAP                   a(c%).y, a(d%).y
            PRINT "after SWAP: " ; a(c%).y, a(d%).y

2.35. The Multiplexer Interrupt Error in the REG-Command

Versions: 2.x/3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

Astonishingly there are even problems when you call the Multiplexer- Interrupt &h2F using the REG-Command. Normally it seems that the call was refused by the system. A test using the Inline-Assembler on the other hand works fine. This was seen when programming MSCDEX, checking for the Windows-Version and using Timeslice-Functions of the Multiplexer- Interrupt.

The only way around this is to use the Inline-Assembler.
            ! mov ax, &h1680
            ! int &h2F
            ! mov Taskfreeing%, ax
            Taskfreeing% = Taskfreeing% AND 255
            SELECT CASE Taskfreeing%
                CASE &h80 : PRINT "Taskfreeing not supported"
                CASE &h0  : PRINT "Taskfreeing supported"
                CASE ELSE : PRINT "Unknown value"
            END SELECT

            REG 1, &h1680
            CALL INTERRUPT &h2F
            Taskfreeing% = REG(1)
            Taskfreeing% = Taskfreeing% AND 255
            SELECT CASE Taskfreeing%
               CASE &h80 : PRINT "Taskfreeing not supported"
               CASE &h0  : PRINT "Taskfreeing supported"
               CASE ELSE : PRINT "Unknown value"
            END SELECT
The explanation of this lies within the working routines of the REG- Command, although QuiBASIC does not have these problems. {g}

2.36. Contents of a Directory will be deleted with KILL

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

One can find a nice feature behind the KILL-Command of PowerBASIC. Should the path end with a Backslash (without other Wildcards or file names), the entire directory will be deleted.
           KILL "C:\TEMP\"               ' Deletes all files in the TEMP
                                         ' Directory

2.37. The thing with the "USR" string

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

A completely strange behaviour can be noticed in the IDE or the Command Line Interpreter if the string "USR" can be found in the source code. Because the compiler crashes in the first example, this can definetly be considered a Bug.
           PRINT USR                     ' PB/PBC crashes
           Test% = USR                   ' Error 477

2.38. The GOTO DWORD Bug

Versions: 3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

PowerBASIC simply forgets the Segment part of the address, that's all.
            Demo??? = CODEPTR32(TestLabel)
            GOTO DWORD c???
            PRINT "Test"

2.39. The 'ON LOCAL ERROR' Bug

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

Using 'ON LOCAL ERROR' in a PBU can cause a crash of the program.
            'Main file
            $COMPILE EXE
            $LINK "TEST.PBU"            'or PBL
            FileName$ = "TEST.DOC"
            CALL ResumeDemo(Demo%)
            PRINT "Error", Demo%

            'Unit file
            $COMPILE UNIT
            SUB ResumeDemo (Demo%) PUBLIC
                  ' To test create this File with WinWord and save once.
                OPEN "TEST.DOC" FOR BINARY AS #1
                Demo% = ERRTEST
            END SUB

2.40. ... and again 'ON LOCAL ERROR'

Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : No

PowerBASIC crashes when someone uses "ON ERROR" instead of "ON LOCAL ERROR" in a SUB/FUNCTION. It can come to STACK or STRING memory problems in this case, if the error occurs.
Of course this is definetly the error of the programmer, but the Compiler should recognize this when compiling.

2.41. Runtimeerror in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler

Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)
Known : No

The Helpcompiler (Encoder) seems to have quitr a few Bugs. Mostly beginners will have some problems with Runtimeerror 9 at address 10095. This is an internal Bug of the Helpcompile, which is caused by the missing of the Command '/LOOKUP'.

2.42. The Error "Truncating" in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler

Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)

The Error 'Truncating ... to 76 characters' will be shown sometimes, because the commandcharacters will not be taken into concern.

2.43. Crash of the PowerBASIC-IDE after calling its own Help

Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)

When programming or actually the writting of the Help you will have to watch out that the effective length of the shown textline are not bigger than the actually existing number of characters available in the PowerBASIC-Helpwindow, because the PowerBASIC-IDE will in that case crash with a graphical error.
This Bug will only occur in the developmentphase of a self-written Helpfile (*.PBH)!

Errors (Bug's)/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 (Part 1)
Errors (Bug's)/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1. 3.2 and 3.5 (Part 2)

(c) 1996/2007 by Thomas Gohel, All rights and bugs reserved
(c) 1996/1998 by Thomas Geiger, english version